Tomorrow Sam and the football team are playing their last game at the stadium in Winnipeg!!! I am so excited for them! It is the 'consolation prize' to the play off. See the Tigers lost every game this season but then they are a young team... but a team with great potential!I cant wait to watch them play...
It is so hard to imagine that last year (Sept7) we were taking Sam to watch the Banjo Bowl (Sask-Wpg game) and he walked up the long ramp to the top of the stadium to watch the game. He didn't want to use the wheelchair, the carts or the elevator. This boy used all his strength and walked up to our seats-- only about 6 weeks after his brain injury. Even as I am typing this tears of pride roll down my cheeks to know how far he has come. I am so proud of all he has accomplished this past year and to see that he is not only going to school full time (for the most part) but he made his goals reality!
We were told in the emerg. room that his dreams of football were going to be just that... dreams. (along with his dream of being a pilot and doing woodwork-- so far his peripheral vision has not only healed but his 'regular' has improved so there is no longer glasses-- so both dreams are a real possibility!) I want to go back to the emerg. and meet the surgeon and tell him how great Sam is doing. I know that the doctor would be very amazed and happy...maybe one day we will.
Sam has been having a few minor issues with his left side of late but since that is his weak side we will work on it over the winter and help him to strengthen it... bow flex, elliptical, picking up marbles with his toes, eating more and getting rest.
I am so excited about tomorrow I just cant explain it. I will have to work so hard to keep my tears of joy in check as other wont understand...
"Thank You God for all of Your miracles, and for Your unfailing, unwavering love! Without You this past year would have not been what it has been! Thank You for everyone that has read and still reads this blog. Thank You for being understanding and supporting. I wish I could give you all a big hug so you know how much I appreciate your comments, emails and stopping in. Thank you for putting up with my tears, rants and praises. I am truly blessed."
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