Lord, help me to remember that today there is nothing that You and I together cannot handle. Psalm 68:19 The Message
This has been a passage that has gone thru my head a lot lately. The last few years actually.
Everyday is a new challenge for not only Sam but for all of us as a family. We learn of new developments...
and then we learn how to deal with them...
I have lots of people who ask how I do it?
How do I get thru everything that has been thrown at us?
Somedays it feels like my answer is “I am not sure if I do ‘get thru it’” other days my answer is “I just do ... with a lot of prayer”
This last week is a good example of ‘I just do’. We went on our second ever family vacation. Most people go or plan for a relaxing holiday -- and we are like everyone else. We HAD planned for R&R ... and that was as far as it got... we planned.
The week before I was so busy running around with doctor appt’s, orthodontist appt’s, getting the oil changed in the van, packing when I could, 2 very sick kids (Hannah with tonsillitis and Sam with strep throat), helping hubby when I could and just regular everyday things: laundry, meals, etc. that I was going to need a week to rest so I could GO on holidays with everyone!
We discovered on the day we were leaving for camping that Sam (who was still running fevers and a VERY sore throat) was given the wrong amount of medication... he was given a pediatric amount... Sam is 6’1/2” , so his meds were increased to a proper amount. The doctor also informed us that his seizure med levels were VERY high (should b 50-100 and his were 130) This meant for us as the family that Sam was tired and still very cranky but doctor told us to go and get some rest and enjoy our time away “Sam will be better by morning” .... so we went.
At about 7pm we reached our camp ground and left the van to check in... mistake #1.
Theer was an altercation between Ike and Sam -- which ended in Ike getting a few knocks from Sam and Sam getting spit on.... sigh... seriously not impressed at this.
Mistake #1 then lead into altercations #2-4 with Sam and Ike as they were attempting to set up their sleeping quarters for the next 5 days (the tent). This lead Dad to have to get involved and then everyone was cranky! Which lead to us praying before anymore injuries incurred or anyone hurt feelings...
The next 5 mornings were started with my phone going off at 7am (but actually being up st 5am to listen for any seizure activity from the tent...) and giving Sam his meds, trying to make coffee quietly and not wake anyone (so that mama was happy and had a quiet start to her day!). Hannah and Ike were on ‘seizure alert’ before this time and after ... Sam was not impressed by his new ‘watchers’.... again .. sigh
The days were filled with Sam doing his best to not be with us (typical teen behaviour) and not wanting to keep us informed as to his where abouts (which we asked to be told if he was going to beach (not to swim without someone) and if he was taking off for a long period of time ‘please take your cell phone’)
It was a stressful week and we were all glad to make it home without any seizure activity!
We got home Thursday night and had plans for going to a free concert at Clear Lake on Saturday...
... Friday we went to my mom’s house for dinner and Sam stayed over night at my mom’s and Saturday morning I received a call from mom that SAm was not feeling well. After a bit more information we discovered he had had a seizure.... so off to the hospital we went.
Thankfully we were only there for the day this time, but it was a loooooooong day.
All thru this past week I have prayed and thot and prayed and thot.... and prayed some more. I have had to keep telling myself that God is with us as we go thru this and sometimes we have to just “let go and let God”. As I sat in the hospital again this weekend I thot of this and prayed...

But I have also been known to say to people who ask ‘how do you do it” my reply is “what else am I going to do!?” (such profound words from such a small town girl!)
I will admit that this week I will be starting back with some counseling but more because I need to learn to let go of stress more (silly stomach issues) ... I am a hoarder sometimes -- of stress ....
i have more news to share but I will do that tomorrow...(see I am teachable on stress levels...just a bit of a slow learner! ☺)
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