The following pictures were all taken by my wonderfully talented, professional photographer friend, Cynthia Korman! You can see more of her beautiful work HERE on FaceBook! Please stop and have a look at her work! She rocks!
Hannah Gurl is now 13 and becoming quite a beautiful young lady both inside and out! We are always being told how kind, caring and courteous she is. Last year, gurly-gurl started gymnastics and this year has worked her way up to being a helper/teacher with the other students! She is currently working hard to get her back walk over perfected and trying to find time to ride her horse Lil Bit! She is not quite sure where she wants to be after highschool but she is leaning towards photography (at the moment) ...

Isaac has just turned 15 and can always be found with his ear buds in listening to music with a paper and pencil not far from his reach! This last year Isaac illustrated a childrens book, Liam's Magic Rocket, that BI survivor, Daniela Aum, wrote! He was quite the local celebrity for a few weeks as both newspapers ran the story! Isaac joined drama this year and is looking forward to major production in the spring - which is Oliver! He loves highschool and takes his courses very seriously. He wants to go to the Art Institute in Vancouver, British Columbia when he graduates, although he is not 100% sure if he wants to do Graphic Design, Culinary Arts or Fashion Style...
Samuel is closing in on 17 (in mid-Dec) and as of the last 6 or so weeks has been TOTALLY seizzure medication FREE and the big pay off here is NO SEIZURES and is over ONE YEAR SEIZURE FREE! The last year has been a very bumpy one filled with many tears, prayers (both answered yes and no). Sam will be starting at a closer, smaller school on Monday and I am sure we will continue to see more changes as this happens! Sam is still wanting to farm with Dennis and I when he is done school. He also wants to ave his own meat cutting shop, which my inlaws already so, so he can take over from them.
Joshua is 18 now and completing his grade 12. He is busy with football, work (where he works for a local farmer) and his girlfriend Dana. There is not much more to say about Josh because those three things are is life! He is not too sure what he wants to do when he is done in June, but he 'might' be interested in going on an ag exchange, going to college for heavy duty mechanics or ag business. ahhh to be young and your whole life ahead of you!
Dennis and I are busy with the farm and working more and more to the holistic style of management here. We are working hard to bring the land back to a healthy state and grow our cattle in the same natural (as much as possible) style. God gave us this wonderful world, land and opportunity to farm again so we want to be sure that we treat His gifts with as much respect and gratitude as we possibly can!
I am hoping for myself to maybe get more into playing with my camera as we go. I love being behind the lens and creating beautiful pictures for myself and others. Maybe once we get into a smoother routine of life I will find this time for me.