About a month ago he also got this:
Sam had been thinking about leaving cadets too due to issues there - mostly ones that he saw were causing him stress. But Dennis and I spoke with him about it and discussed how he can't quit everytime things get a bit stressful. He needs to learn to deal with the stress so that he can live a normal life and people can learn to rely on him (not worry if he is going to quit or walk out on them when things get a bit tough) so we told him to talk to his CO at Air Cadets and see if anything can be worked out there....Then I did a typical 'mom thing' and called his CO and asked him to talk to Sam. I explained how Sam's confidence has taken big blows the last year and even more so in the last few months and his CO agreed. So he spoke with Sam and all is well now. So Isaac AND Sam are preparing to head to Italy and France in May 2014 for the 70th Anniversary of D-Day with cadets. (if Sam had quit cadets he was not going to be going on the trip) He seems pretty excited about it again!
Isaac went to his first counselling session last week to help him to deal with issues surrounding the accident and life. He hasnt talked much about it but in the last while (especially since the kids have all changed schools) things have been on a more even keel -- or maybe it is just my wishful thinking --and Isaac seems to be happier and more apt to help out and put some effort forward to making things fun around here again.
so it does seem to be that little by little, day by day things are making changes for the better. Sam is still seizure free and medication free, he has lost ALL the weight he gained over the winter last year (40lbs or so) and he feels great, he has energy, he can talk, walk and function with a smile on his face and a spring in his step! Our son is living as a normal 16 (almost 17) year old and the zombie like teenager we had last year that couldn't walk from the bed to the couch without a nap or a fist fight with his siblings is a distant memory. Sam talks to us frequently about his plans for life and where and what he wants to do. His ambition has returned, his faith is strong and his love for life, family and friends shines through.
Everyday I thank God for this blessing to our home. I thank Him for not only getting us through the journey we have been on but also for TAKING us through this. We are growing as a family and I believe we are all growing in our faith with Him.
This is AWESOME Jodi! Such good news! So happy for everyone.
Turns out there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Great to hear the good news for your family!
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