I will still love to do the hand written parts but I will be investing in return address labels or a stamp, I will cut down on the envelope decor, the letter will be signed by me and then photocopied (I will still address each letter and still write notes if needed) and I think I may go all with one size envelope so that taping it shut may not be necessary.
Today I had some help from some friends and my mother in love! Three of these lovely ladies addressed and prepped my envelopes (marking them so I know how many bracelets, stickers, whether a survivor and/or caregiver, etc.) , another lovely stamped the envelopes and pinned states/provinces/countries on my map! All the while I was writing on letters, filing out cards and stuffing with bracelets. (set aside to be taped shut later tonight). I was so glad to have the help today because addressing sometimes slows me down as names tend to sound familiar to me and I have to check if it was because I had already done their bracelets or from the year before.... usually it was because I had emailed everyone first ... **sigh**
All of this is why I need to make this a more stream lined project next year! So any and all ideas will be welcome!
A smiley thot is that I have all year to plan! :)