Thursday, July 19, 2018

couldn’t have said it better myself...

This this was a post from earlier in the year that I never posted and as the end of the month draws near, I think I can post it ... 


Music was a big part of me when I tried to express my emotions when growing up.
It still is the easiest way for me to deal with things.
Lyrics always seem to be able to say it... say anything... say everything... better than I can.
I crank up a song that really speaks to my heart and sing along to it with all my heart and tears pouring down my cheeks...

I try my best to be honest when posting here - its not always easy.
I'm not meaning I lie if I'm not being honest....
I mean, I try to post the most realistic views of what is happening in our corner and in my heart and head.

I try to be respectful of family members and friends, so I don't  post about things.
I try to not hurt peoples feelings or give them a reason to be mad at me (I am a people pleaser...)

everything I post is 100% true...
I just don't post everything that happens or goes through my brain or how I truly feel - I know this sounds strange when you read some of the things I post...

and in doing so I am not always 100% honest about how I am feeling or why I am feeling that way... but some things I can’t put into words or I am scared to give voice to some things...

so like Carrie Underwood says;

You can pretty lie

And say it’s okay
You can pretty smile
And just walk away
Pretty much fake your way through anything
But you can’t cry pretty

one day I will possibly be strong enough and brave enough to post exactly how I am feeling and why...

but until then...

music will speak for me when I struggle for the right words 

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