Wednesday, October 23, 2019

all in His time...

... there is something you would think that maybe I had a handle on by now! Trusting in His plan and His time. I mean, really... but here I sit and worry and stress and worry again (just for good measure maybe?!)
Sam has been in the Adult & Teen Challenge Program for over 6 months!! (6 months and 13days to be exact!) HALLELUJAH!!  He has had struggles with things and he has come through from tough stuff but yesterday we received a text with some answers to prayers that I had been struggling with myself. I am not going to go into details but I cried when I read the text then sat on a rock (we were processing calves and I was in the corrals) and thanked my Heavenly Father...

The One True King!

The Great Physician!

The Great I Am!

The Alpha & Omega!

He who knew me before I was even born, before the stars were set in place...

The One who I talk to a crazy amount of time each day.

And I cried... for my unbelief (in His timing), for my feeling like He wasn't hearing my cries, my prayers, my aching heart...

And yet He did and it was all in His time.

He knew that Sam had to get to a certain place before things were revealed to him. He knew that Sam needed to be crying out for Him...

As I sit at my desk everyday I see a quote from Alexander McLaren that reads:

God's help comes not too soon, lest we should not know that blessedness of trusting in the dark; and not too late, lest we should know the misery of trusting in vain.

and every day I would pray and worry about issues that I needn't have worried about - I have been humbled by answered prayers! Because prayers are being answered, the eyes of the heart are being opened and the Lord is being praised!! All in His time. I need to remind myself of this daily and trust, in the dark and in the sunshine!

I have been smiling and rereading the text in my head and I can't stop praising!!! God is good - all the time! And all the time - God is good!

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