Thursday, April 15, 2010

as far as days go...

The last week has not been extremely 'stellar' by any means-- again!  I have definitely been trying to NOT eat my young ... ☺

With the BI conference coming up on us quickly, Samuel is now claiming to not want to go. So I said he could just go to the one day on Tuesday so he could make it to the banquet and be able to make some connections with other survivors. He readily agreed but now is baulking as football practice starts on said Tuesday and that is fitting for uniforms and such then. Now he not wanting to go AT ALL.

So do I allow him to stay in school and go to football or do I have him go (trying to get football fitting the day before-- if possible) so that he can take some ownership of his injury... I don't want to force him but then again, if  everything were always left up to a teen life would be nothing further than pizza, video games, FB and texting.


I want him to WANT to go. He has admitted to getting a lot out of his meetings at the groups we go to in Dauphin and Brandon-- and at first he didn't want to go there either...

I am praying that he will make a sound decision and I have been praying that God will help me to make the right on this too.

**sigh** being the parent sucks sometimes most times -- these days anyway.

Not all issues in our house revolve around BI's. Some of them are because of other things. I had taken Josh into Winnipeg on Tues. for an appt. involving his tailbone (this is 2 years after he had broken it). It looks like I have to take him in (when a date is set) to have a procedure done to 'fix' the tailbone. It is not healing but then how can it when your 6'2" teen will NOT use a rubber OR pillow doughnut to sit on?! Then you have to listen to him complain about the pain in his 'butt' because of the non-use!? ( I am getting gray hairs as I type over this one!)

Then lets add another 12yr old boy AND a 10yr old girl -- both at the cusp of puberty!!!!!!!!!! ARGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH

It is seeming that my days are filled with bouts of crying for attention, crying out of frustration, crying from fear of losing my mind....


motherhood is grand....

On a 'brighter' note... the Neepawa Press article on sam came out yesterday. I had forgotten all about it! Seriously! When I picked up the paper last night -- there was a small picture of Sam on the top header! He was a FULL PAGE story on page 3!!! Another keeper for his memory book. I hope that people will read it and maybe think, ask, research about ABI/TBI's and become more educated. (if you are stopping by my blog here because of the article in the paper-- please say 'Hi'! I love to get that 'ding' from my email that says I have a comment to approve!☺)Sam's story followed right after the story about the man in Neepawa that was murdered on the weekend-- shot in the head. So maybe it will work as a reminder that not all people who have severe injuries are all fatal?!

I will post the article when I get it. The paper said that they would send me the .pdf file of it so I could post it here for those of my friends and family who couldn't read it via the paper!

1 comment:

andrea said...

Looking forward to reading the article. Will pass it on to my mom, who by the way is in Winnipeg visiting Auntie Anne this weekend. Auntie Anne isn't so hot. I've been trying to phone her off and on over the last little while but she doesn't seem to have the strength to pick up the phone. I live her messages though so I know that she knows I think of her and love her. :)