Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The one...

The following post was in my inbox this morning, it is from Proverbs 31 Ministries (I get their daily devo every weekeday -- if you want to receive them to just click on the link and sign up for them!) and it really made me stop and think... the one...
I believe that the one that the One sent to us this week is our new doctor -- Dr. Nasralla -- when Sam and I saw him last week he told me how he was working to get Sam into a neurologist and he had been phoning and talking to doctors and that by the end of this week he was going to have answers for us.  I believe that God put him in our lives for this reason. He is going to be the doctor that will fight for us and with us for Sam's care! So I will continue to pray for Dr. N and Sam ... and all the other doctors that are and will be involved with us (they will need it once they meet us! lol)  
Yesterday I had to take Hannah gurl into the hospital because she had bleeding tonsils and an ear infection -- Hannah rarely gets sick... and we were told that Dr. N was in Wpg -- so I joked with both Hannah and Sam (he was in for blood work) that maybe Dr. N was in Wpg fighting to get Sam into a neurologist... maybe... 
The trip to the hospital ended with the doctor on call not looking at anymore out patients as he was late for his clinic and God making sure there was an ENT at the hospital (we are a SMALL rural town with no 'speciality' doctors regularly) who looked at her -- with a prescription in hand we headed to the drug store then the grocery store for some yogurt, pudding and apple sauce then home to bed for my lil' girl. She is (or rather was last night) feeling better now that she was able to sleep the day away yesterday and eat some food too!  Again, God put the one doctor that we needed in place before we knew we were going to need him! What an amazing God!

Marybeth Whalen
August 9, 2011

“But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many!” Romans 5:15 (NIV)
“I just wanted to tell you,” she said. “It just takes one.” She knew we had our house up for sale and wanted to offer me a word of encouragement. She had also recently been through having her house on the market and knew what I was facing.
As she grabbed my hands in her own, she looked at me earnestly and said. “It just takes one person to come along and love your house and want to buy it. Hang onto that when you get overwhelmed. God will send that one.”
I have thought about what she said to me, and how this Truth applies in many aspects of my life. God will send that one. The one person who can best encourage me. The one person who will provide the answers I am seeking. The one nugget of Truth my soul is craving. The one bit of hope when everything seems desperate around me.
What is that “one” thing you are waiting for God to send you right now? Maybe it is that one test result you are waiting for. Maybe it is that one check you need desperately to show up in the mail so you can make it to payday. Maybe it is that one affirmation you need to hear, but rarely do.
Do you believe that God will send that one? Do you walk in that belief, even when circumstances around you say otherwise? Do you focus on what is happening, or God’s promises?
God’s most wonderful promise came through the One who could be tempted yet sinless, Lion yet lamb, human yet God. God’s plan for redemption came through His one and only Son.
It just took one—one sacrifice, one resurrection, one hope for eternity. Humanity cried out for restoration and God responded by sending that One.
“It just takes one,” the woman told me. And that is true, even in this broken, fallen world. So many times that “one” seems far away, so insurmountable, that we despair of ever seeing it come to pass.
Make today the day that you live believing in that one thing happening—whether it is a sold sign in your yard or healing in a relationship; turn to the Creator of all things with whatever is on your heart. Spend today reflecting on that one sacrifice He made on your behalf, because of His unfailing love for you. Trust Him to do what is best for you—whatever His answer may be—and live in expectation of the abundant life He has promised.
Dear Lord, help me to trust in You to send the answers I need. Help me to take my eyes off my circumstances and focus solely on You. Thank You for the sacrifice of Your precious Son so that I could have salvation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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