Sunday, February 3, 2013

Am I getting thru...

The number of head injuries in this house keeps growing and I am getting tired.

Joshua was a work 3 weeks ago (he works for a local farmer) and while they were filling up an inside tire on the hay trailer it blew out. Josh's head just happened to be nearest as he was the one going to take the air hose off the tire. There was nothing 'wrong' with the tire and they didn't over fill it -- it was just one of those freak things. Now, in our area most people know that head injuries are a big thing with us (no kidding...)  and that I personally take them VERY seriously....

.... apparently my oldest son does not realize this. He did not go to the hospital right away (hospital is only 10minutes from his work), I am not sure what (or if) his boss said to him but he drove home 20 minutes after finishing the rest of his shift, a major migraine and ringing in his ears, light and noise sensitivity and just a general 'off' feeling....

major migraine....

ringing in his ears....

light and noise sensitivity....

feeling 'off'....

This happened on a Monday and it wasn't until WEDNESDAY that he went to the hospital to see about it -- due to headaches and ringing still in his ears. The doctor there told him he had a concussion (no kidding...) and no work or a week or so, make an appointment with our doctor and if things get worse go see our doctor straight away.  Joshua saw our doctor the  following Friday and was sent for a CT scan the next Friday (which was the day before yesterday). The doctor will get the results on Monday (tomorrow) so we will wait to see what is happening.  Josh is still experiencing some headaches and ringing every once in a while, too.

After all we have been thru with Sam, Dennis, Dad and Isaac, I would have really hoped that Josh would have taken things a bit more serious and headed straight to the hospital. He is very lucky on quite a few levels in regards to what happened and what the outcome could have been. I am hoping it is mostly just down to him being a 'man' and an 'invinsible' 18 year old one at that... but am I doing a well enough job in spreading awareness and making people realize just how serious concussions and any head injury are!?

Dennis and I sat here one day and in my family alone I have many (seven at last count) family members with head injuries, all ranging from mild to severe.  Am I getting thru to anyone? Does anything I say make sense to anyone and they are taking the precautions needed to protect their brain and their future?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry this happened. I wish I had an answer to your very serious question. The world is beginning to notice, so do have hope. Now to get the Ginter children to understand. Many hugs and good luck and medical care to Josh. Gin